The Club shall be called Springhead Park Golf Club.
Springhead Park Golf Club
The Club shall be called Springhead Park Golf Club.
Consists of:-
Captain, Vice Captain, Competition Secretary, Secretary and 4 additional members.
The president as he wishes may attend at any time.
The immediate past captain may serve as a member of the committee for a further one year following his year of captaincy.
A Quorum of 5 must be present to pass any resolution.
The election of the committee shall stand for a maximum of 3 years. All vacancies shall be nominated for election and a vote will take place at the AGM.
Membership shall consist of:-
All categories that the proprietor wishes to implement as members.
These members shall be eligible to vote at meetings of The Club and can be elected as members of the Committee which should have control over all matters pertaining to the game of golf. Membership is not transferable.
The price of fees shall be decided by proprietor.
Subscriptions shall be payable on the 1st April each year.
At each AGM the incoming Captain will introduce the nominated Vice Captain for the coming year.
The Members Committee, in addition to any powers hereinafter specifically conferred upon them, shall have the following powers and duties:-
The Secretary will be responsible for circularising members with details of meetings held in accordance with these rules.
The Members Committee shall call an EGM whenever a question of urgent importance shall arise and shall be bound to do so on receiving a requisition by ten members of The Club.
The Committee, subject to the approval of the Proprietor, is empowered to make, vary and revoke such byelaws as it may from time to time consider necessary for the well being of The Club. Until revoked all byelaws shall be binding on the members.
All complaints shall be made to the Secretary and if required by him shall be in writing. If the Secretary is unable to deal with any complaint, he shall refer it to The Proprietors, whose decision shall be final. In no instance shall an employee of the proprietors be reprimanded directly by a member.
No member shall take away, or permit to be taken away from the clubhouse, under the pretence whatsoever, or shall injure or destroy any article which is the property of The Club.
The Proprietors shall not be responsible for any loss or theft of money or valuables whilst at The Club or on the course.
Competitions shall be held at such time and under such conditions as the Golf Committee and the Proprietors shall jointly determine.